
Empowering Health, Wellness, and Safety: Transforming Dubai’s Cleaning Services Industry

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Cleaning Services industry team at FUH

Housekeeping Staff Gets Health Tips

A resounding commitment to health and wellness echoed through the halls of Fakeeh University Hospital on August 19, 2023, as a captivating seminar titled “Empowering Health, Wellness, and Safety” unfolded. Hosted as part of the hospital’s community outreach program and spearheaded by the esteemed Mrs. Marlies, the event transcended the confines of conventional learning. With an engaging array of expert speakers, the seminar left an indelible mark on attendees, igniting discussions on crucial aspects of holistic well-being.

A Journey of Insights:

The seminar saw the convergence of health enthusiasts, professionals, and community members, all eager to immerse themselves in a sea of knowledge.  Ms. Nesreen, a revered Diabetic Educator, took center stage, unraveling the intricate tapestry of healthy eating. With meticulous precision, she unraveled myths, guiding attendees towards evidence-based dietary choices that reverberated within.

Ms. Sathya, the discerning Physiotherapy Manager, elevated the discourse on posture and body mechanics to new heights. Departing from the ordinary, her session was illuminated through physical models illustrating the profound impact of posture on holistic well-being.

Empowering Women’s Health and Occupational Wellness:

Dr. Mumtaz, a beacon in the realm of Gynecology & Obstetrics, shone a light on crucial aspects of women’s health. Her discourse on dysmenorrhea and menstrual hygiene fostered an environment of openness, transcending medical consultations into inclusive conversations that are often sidelined. Dr. Mumtaz’s insights dispelled taboos and nurtured the spirit of well-being.

Mr. Saturnino, a dynamic Physiotherapist, harnessed the potency of interactive engagement. With a kinetic approach, he underscored the paramount importance of injury prevention and occupational health. Through vivid demonstrations, he bridged theory with practice, imprinting lasting lessons on the audience.

Also Read: Tips on Clean & Safe Home for New Born

The Resonance of Unity and Nourishment:

As the day merged into twilight, attendees congregated at the staff canteen for a tantalizing meal, encapsulating unity, community, and shared purpose. Dialogues flourished, connections blossomed, and a shared spirit of togetherness illuminated the event.

Gratitude to Our Special Guests:

We extend profound appreciation to our special guests, Mr. Rashed Abdulla Rashed Ahmed AlHammadi and Mr. Mohammed Hamada. Their presence added significance to this milestone, and your insights enriched the collective experience.

Acknowledgments and Culmination:

Our gratitude extends to the extraordinary speakers whose wisdom and expertise transformed the seminar into a beacon of knowledge. We also express heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Marlies and Mrs Sathya for the visionary leadership of Fakeeh University Hospital, who entrusted us with the responsibility to drive community well-being.


As the curtain drew on the inaugural Health Awareness Seminar, Dubai Housekeeping emerges as a harbinger of transformation in the cleaning services industry. The event marks the dawn of a new era, characterized by awareness, empowerment, and unity. This is one of its kind arranged for Cleaning services in Dubai.

Stay tuned as we unveil a visual chronicle of this historic event, through an array of photographs and videos capturing the essence of empowerment. Together, we stride forward towards a healthier, safer, and empowered future.

Mrs. Marlies FUH
Mrs. Marlies, Fakeeh University Hospital


Ms. Nesreen, Fakeeh University Hospital
Ms. Nesreen, Fakeeh University Hospital


Mrs Sathya, Fakeeh University Hospital
Mrs Sathya, Fakeeh University Hospital


Dr Mumtaz Fakeeh University Hospital
Dr Mumtaz Fakeeh University Hospital


Mr. Saturnino, FUH
Mr. Saturnino, Fakeeh University Hospital


Dubai Housekeeping at FUH
Dubai Housekeeping Management at Fakeeh University Hospital


Dubai Housekeeping Staff Listening with attention
Dubai Housekeeping Staff Listening with Attention


Posture & practice
Practice with Doctor


Practice with Doctor
Practice with Doctor


Dining together
Dining together



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