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We Are Vaccinated

Following the call from UAE leaders to vaccinate against Covid-19, we are proud to share that our team has been vaccinated recently. Our team was trained on Covid measures at the start of the pandemic & we have been conducting online refresher pieces of training to update them with the…
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Guide to Common Cold and Flu

So you’ve come down with a nasty bug that’s been making the rounds. The good news? You probably don’t need to go into the doctor’s office. The bad news? You still feel awful. If you think you have an upper respiratory infection (URI) cold and flu — which includes the…
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Covid-19 F.A.Q. Nov 2020

Here we a list of covid-19 FAQs based on November 2020. Q. What is novel Coronavirus 2019? Ans. Novel Coronavirus 2019, or COVID-19, is a new respiratory virus that was first identified in Wuhan, China. Q. Can the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) be transmitted through the air? Ans. Studies to date…
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