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Best Cleaning Service

It gives us great pleasure to announce that Dubai Housekeeping has been awarded as one of the Best Cleaning Service company in Dubai, by www.cleaningservicereviewed.com, which review service companies in the most famous metropolitan cities, all over the world. We thank everyone for their contribution to making Dubai Housekeeping the…
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What is the difference between Regular Cleaning & Deep Cleaning? Regular cleaning service: This type of cleaning is normally performed more frequently, such as several times each week. However, deep cleaning is often performed once every six to twelve months. Deep Cleaning service: It generally means thorough cleaning in addition…
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Cleaning Guide to protect against COVID-19

Cleaning Guide to protect against COVID19 Cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces in your home regularly is an important precaution to lower the risk of infection. Follow cleaning product instructions for safe and effective use, including precautions you should take when applying the product, such as wearing gloves and making sure…
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We Pay It Forward

We are passing through an unprecedented crisis of our lifetime. While Social Distancing is needed of the time, we have found new ways to connect & help each other, where we can. We pay forward if you are not satisfied with our cleaning service. When a new or returning client…
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Health & Safety Measures During The Pandemic

Keeping the ongoing pandemic in mind, we have trained our team about known Viral Transmission & Mitigation Techniques. To gauge their understanding & further guide as essential, we created an online Quiz and guided based on results. Temperature is monitored using touch-less digital thermometer and recorded. Sanitizer dispensers are available…
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